Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Assignment 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 21

2 - Assignment Example The manner in which Kelleher believes employees should be addressed in an organization is in line with Lencioni’s quote. Lencioni connotes that when employees feel they are not being cared, they feel they have a miserable job. Employees need to be cared for and appreciated for them to perform in the workplace. As per Kelleher, employees should be valued as individuals and not as workers. An organization should set up employee services and professional care department so as to help them in the workplace. Research reveals that managers’ connection with employees gives them a better feeling of belonging and worth. Communication with employees is an aspect that Kelleher emphasizes in his management. This is an indication that he was a successful leader at Southwest. Lencioni also accentuates the same aspect, by suggesting that managers’ connection with employees help them grasp the precise significance of their jobs to others. The leadership style of Ms. Mayer is one can learn that she is an inspiring leader. Mayer invites the employees to facilitate the building of the organization’s brand. Mayer emphasizes on the employees interactions as a way of providing them with an opportunity to generate ideas. As a leader, Mayer believes in employees’ physical contacts and interaction in the workplace that is why when appointed as the new Yahoo CEO, reporting to the office was of paramount significance to her. The rationale for using the books â€Å"The Three Signs of a Miserable job† and â€Å"The Influencer†, it that it helps in the understanding of the job dissatisfaction and its root causes. The books are also relevant in the sense that it identifies how leaders can aid their employees become satisfied with the job through communication and understanding of the importance of their job. From the books, a leader can learn the significance of communication with its employees. The

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